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Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS)

  • PEDS-R® – a revised version of PEDS

    We are excited to announce that the Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status-Revised® (PEDS-R®) is now available.

    PEDS-R® represents an update to PEDS®, incorporating two new questions and a revised scoring and interpretation process.

    The previous version of PEDS® will no longer be available in Australia from this website. For any queries on PEDS® please email us at

    Prepare yourself for PEDS-R® by undertaking the tutorial and ordering the new PEDS-R® booklets. 

    Now available: New PEDS-R® online self-paced tutorial.

    Now available: New PEDS-R® booklets.

    Coming soon:

    • More about PEDS-R® on this website.
    • Self-enrolment to the new PEDS-R® online, self-paced tutorial.

    The new PEDS-R® online, self-paced tutorial

    The new PEDS-R® online self-paced tutorial is designed to accommodate both practitioners who have previously completed PEDS® training and practitioners who are new to PEDS® / PEDS-R®.

    The self-paced tutorial is the only training planned to be released as it covers existing and new practitioners.

    The tutorial provides comprehensive information on PEDS-R®, covering its background, usage and how to score and interpret parent or carer responses.

    About the tutorial

    Duration: Approximately 1.5 hours (including a 20-minute certification process).

    Cost: $165 (inc. GST) per participant. However, for anyone who has been certified in PEDS ® by the Centre for Community Child Health at The Royal Children's Hospital in the 12 months prior to undertaking the new PEDS-R® tutorial, the tutorial and certification will be available at no charge.

    Location: Online.

    How to register: To register for the tutorial "PEDS-R® - Using PEDS-R® in Practice", click HERE.

    Before you start your PEDS-R® eLearning, you might want to take a look at another, separate course we offer. The “PEDS-R® - Introduction to developmental screening” course is available free, as background and general introduction to developmental screening and developmental screening tools. You can register to complete “PEDS-R® - Introduction to developmental screening” by clicking HERE.

    The new PEDS-R® booklet

    The new PEDS-R® is a four-page printed, perforated booklet comprising:

    • Directions
    • Response Form
    • Score Form
    • Interpretation Form
    • Practitioner Use section for recording current findings and action steps.

    You need a new PEDS-R® booklet each time you administer PEDS-R®.

    Cost: $77 (inc. GST) per pack of 50 booklets.

    Postage: $10.07 (inc. GST) for up to two packs per order and $13.39 (inc. GST) for up to five packs per order. If you are ordering more than five packs, we will advise you with your specific postage cost.

    How to order: Order by completing the PEDS-R® booklet order form and returning it to

    *** Download the PEDS-R® booklet order form***

    Retirement of PEDS®

    As a reminder, PEDS® forms, PEDS® training and PEDS® eLearning is no longer available for sale from this website.

    For any queries on PEDS® or PEDS-R®, please email us at


Murdoch Childrens Research Institute

The Centre for Community Child Health is a department of The Royal Children’s Hospital and a research group of Murdoch Childrens Research Institute.