CCCH art

Contact clinics

  • The Community Child Health Specialist Clinics are located at:

    Level 1 East - Reception D
    The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne
    50 Flemington Road
    Victoria, 3052

    Phone: (03) 9345 6180  

    Locating the Specialist Clinics by car or on foot

    Enter the hospital via the carpark entrance in Flemington Road.

    Locating the Specialist Clinics via the hospital

    If you enter the hospital through the main entrance in Flemington Road, turn right and go to the white lifts. Take the lift to the 1st floor, walk straight ahead towards the sign that says 'Specialist Clinics'. Go to Reception Desk D.

    Public transport

    To get to the hospital from the city, take tram 59 (Airport West) or tram 81 (Essendon Depot) from Elizabeth Street or tram 55 (West Coburg) from William Street. Tram stop 19 on Flemington Road is outside the corner of Gatehouse Street and Flemington Road. Tram and train tickets can be purchased from the RCH retail pharmacy, located in Main Street.


    Enter from Entry 1 (left hand turn only) or Entry 2 (left and right hand turn) on Flemington Road. To gain entry, take a ticket from the ticket box at the boom gate and the gate will open. There are three levels of parking-B1, B2 and B3. Indicator boards will tell drivers when a level is full or how many vacant spots are available on each level. The car park is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    Disability parking
    Limited parking bays are available on each level of the car park for those with an eligible disability parking permit which must be displayed at all times.

    Motorbike parking
    There are parks for motorbikes on each level of the car park.

    More detailed information is available in the  Guide to the Royal Children's Hospital.

    Making an appointment

    To make an appointment to see a specialist, a referral from the child's doctor needs to be forwarded to the Community Child Health Specialist Clinic.

    Forward a referral to the clinic via:

    Fax: (03) 9345 5034

    The clinic can also be contacted on (03) 9345 6180.

    Please note, before making an appointment: 

    You must have a referral from a doctor. Please note that a referral from your GP is valid for 12 months and a referral from a specialist is valid for three months. This must be forwarded to the clinic before an appointment can be made.

    You will be asked if the child has a UR number (Unit Record Number) from The Royal Children's Hospital. If the child has attended The Royal Children's Hospital before, they will have a UR number. If the child has not attended The Royal Children's Hospital before, registration details will be completed at the first visit.

    Once the referral has been received, the child's family will recieve a letter in the mail inviting them to make an appointment time.

    Information for general practitioners

    General Practitioners can visit The Royal Children's Hospital's  KidsConnect webpage for pre-referral guidelines, Clinical Practice Guidelines and parent information sheets. Pre-referral guidelines for Child Behaviour/ Mental Health/Developmental Concerns can be accessed from the  KidsConnect webpage.


Murdoch Childrens Research Institute

The Centre for Community Child Health is a department of The Royal Children’s Hospital and a research group of Murdoch Childrens Research Institute.