Skin graft – split thickness

  • Pain control

    Give paracetamol as required for pain (available from pharmacies without prescription).


    Leave dressings dry and intact until review. If a waterproof or washable dressing has been applied you may shower as normal, otherwise sponge bath only.


    Quiet activities only as excessive movement prevents healing of the graft and may cause wound breakdown. Keep the affected area elevated as much as possible.

    What to expect

    The donor site will be red for weeks to months and will usually not regain a totally normal appearance. It is advisable to massage the area with sorbolene or moisturising creams when it becomes less raw to improve the appearance.

    Medical attention

    Seek medical attention in the event of:

    • Increasing pain or pain not relieved by medication
    • Persistent fever
    • General unwellness
    • Wound discharge


    Your follow-up appointment will be at one of the following:

    • Plastic Surgery Outpatients (Registrar Clinic), Blue Desk, Ground Floor, The Royal Children's Hospital (morning appointment)
    • Consultant Clinic 
    • Consultant Private Rooms 
    • Local doctor

    If you are unable to keep your appointment please call to reschedule.


    Plastic & Maxillofacial Surgery Office - 9345 5391
    Outpatient appointments - 9345 6180
    Plastic Surgery Resident or Registrar - via switchboard on 9345 5522

    Developed by The Royal Children's Hospital Speech Pathology and Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery departments. We acknowledge the input of RCH consumers and carers.

    Reviewed November 2015.

    Kids Health Info is supported by The Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation. To donate, visit