PIPER Learning Packages

  • Non-invasive ventilation of the neonate in non-tertiary Special Care Nurseries

    (published 2023)

    This eLearning course has been developed by PIPER Neonatal Educators for Nurses and Midwives caring for infants that may require non-invasive respiratory support outside of a neonatal intensive care setting.

    On completion of this learning package, the participant will be able to:

    • Identify risk factors for developing respiratory distress and anticipate the need for intervention
    • Demonstrate the nursing care of a neonate experiencing respiratory distress
    • State the indications for initiating non-invasive respiratory support
    • Formulate a nursing care plan for a newborn on nCPAP or nHF
    • State the indications for a PIPER referral for a neonate on nCPAP or nHF in a level 3-5 SCN in Victoria e.g., because a newborn may require increased support, they may need to receive ongoing support in a higher level SCN/NICU
    • Access additional resources including the guidelines in the neonatal eHandbook (Safer Care Victoria, see reference at end of learning package)

    [The eLearning link will open The Royal Children's Hospital Education Hub Online Learning Platform, create a free account to access the resource]