Retail precinct

  • Food and retail oulets at the RCH include a cafeteria; a variety of cafés including a gelato bar, sushi bar and McDonald's; a convenience store; retail pharmacy; bookshop and gift shop.

    All are located on the Ground floor (Beach), in (or just off) Main Street. Trading hours vary, but many operate from 6:30am to 10:00pm every day.

    Vending machines are also located on all levels of the hospital except the Ground floor.

    RCH Retail Food Policy

    All of these retailers have agreed to comply with the RCH Retail Food Policy. One retailer, a gelato shop (Trampoline), has been excluded from this requirement in recognition of its unique product offering and its positioning as an 'occasional treat' rather than a meal item.

    The RCH has taken a leadership position in the promotion of healthy eating and is the first Victorian hospital to develop a retail food policy based on the 'traffic light' model featuring Green, Amber and Red categorisation of food and drinks. The model aims to increase healthier options to at least 80 per cent of foods and drinks (green and amber) displayed at the RCH, while restricting less healthy choices (red) to no more than 20 per cent.