Research by author U - Z

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    59. Wilson, A. and A. Renzaho (2015). "Intergenerational differences in acculturation experiences, food beliefs and perceived health risks among refugees from the Horn of Africa in Melbourne, Australia." Public Health Nutr 18(1): 176-188
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    62. Wiseman, M. and S. O'Gorman (2017).  "Seeking Refuge: Implications When Integrating Refugee and Asylum Seeker Students into a Mainstream Australian School." Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education 8(1): 53-63  
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    Immigrant health clinic resources Updated: Sep 2022, Authors: Anthea Rhodes, Vanessa Clifford, Daniel Engelman, Shidan Tosif, Karen Kiang, Sophie Oldfield, Tom Volkman, Ingrid Laemmle-Ruff, Linny Phuong, Eva Sudbury, Georgie Paxton. Contact: or