Mycobacterium tuberculosis Microscopy and Culture

Test Name
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Microscopy and Culture
Test Code
TB or SATB (CF patients)
Specimen Type

Special Requirements:

See Comments below for Specimen Type, special collection tubes and transport requirements 


Specimen Type:

Urine: 3 early morning specimens in sterile yellow lid container

Fluids, Tissue, Sputum, Bronchial & Gastric Aspirates: in sterile yellow lid container

Blood & Bone Marrow: Before collecting, obtain special collection bottle - BD Bacto Myco/G Lytic bottle - by contacting Bacteriology on 9345 5739. Do NOT transport via pneumatic tube system. Forward at room temperature in carrier provided by the laboratory.


Forward all samples and add-on requests to Bacteriology to organise sendaway to VIDRL. 

Gastric Aspirates MUST be received and neutralized in laboratory within 4 hours of collection

Testing of CF sputum is performed by VIDRL

Assay Performed
9345 5739
Assay Frequency

As requested