The RCH Simulation Program & Systems Integration

  • Do you have an old or new guideline, departmental process, or procedure that you would like to test to see if it works when your department is at its most stretched?  

    Systems Integration is a method of examining processes to identify risk and latent threats (or uncovered challenges) in any system or process, particularly when it is stressed. Simulated environments can re-create situations to enable review and adjust to improve practices through an iterative process.   This is known to pertain to healthcare physical environments (such as in design of hospitals or particular departments) or when managing deteriorating patients but can also involve review of healthcare guidelines and procedures.  

    The RCH Simulation Team has developed a process to methodically review guidelines, checklists, and procedures to see if they are effective when systems are at their most stressed situation, through development of simulated scenarios with iterative feedback.   

    If you are interested in finding out more about this process, please contact us at