Policies and Procedures

Company representatives

  • 1. Overview.

    Company representatives perform a valuable function through the provision of product support, education, and dissemination of updates in research and technology. The potential to trial new or alternative products, or receive education regarding the appropriate use of products contributes to the attainment and maintenance of patient care.

    Company Representatives will be permitted fair and reasonable access to RCH. They are expected to maintain an appropriate standard of behaviour and must wear their company identification badge at all times.

    2. Related Policy.


    3. Definition of Terms.

    Company Representatives - A person who represents and sells products or services of a firm.

    4. Procedure details.

    This document outlines the requirements and responsibilities for Company Representatives. The procedure applies to all employees of RCH and Company Representatives.


    Company Representatives are not permitted to visit a department without first approaching the Clinical Products Advisor in Procurement.  The Clinical Products Advisor will liaise with the manager and assess the suitability of the product.  Once approval to proceed has been given the Company Representative can then arrange an appointment with the department / unit manager.

    Representatives are required to liaise with the Clinical Products Advisor and the Director of Procurement and Supply of outcomes of visitations involving medical and surgical products.

    Product Trials

    RCH Clinical Products Advisor or delegate will coordinate all product evaluations. Product representatives are not permitted to leave product samples in any ward or department without prior discussion and approval from RCH Clinical Products Advisor and/or Procurement. All products and equipment for evaluation shall be accompanied with appropriate documentation.

    Supply of Consumables and Equipment

    Consumables and equipment shall not be supplied to any department without an official purchase order number. No verbal order or number from any department shall be considered valid except where prior arrangement has been made with Procurement.

    Consignment stock, when replaced shall have a purchase requisition / order number allocated prior to delivery.

    RCH may not pay any invoice that does not include an official purchase order number

    Operating Suite

    Representatives wanting to support surgical activity and surgeons in the operating suite will discuss this request with the theatre manager.

    Emergency Codes

    Representatives MUST follow instructions from staff in the event of a code being called.

    5. Reference.

    Procurement and Clinical Products Advisory  Web Pages on RCH Intranet.

    6. Contacts.

    Procurement:  Phone:  (03) 9345 6187 or Fax: (03) 9345 6359
    Clinical Products Advisor: Phone: (03) 9345 5498