Useful resources

  • VicPOTs

    VicPOTs is an e-mail network for Victorian Paediatric Occupational Therapists, to share information about job vacancies, education/professional development courses and new resources.  Please note VicPOTS is not a forum for clinical questions or discussions in chat style forum. For clinical questions, please use other sites that are developed for this purpose.

    Any Victorian paediatric occupational therapist may apply to join VicPOTs. Membership to the group is moderated by the Manager of OT at RCH. This means that while people can apply to subscribe themselves, the application needs to be approved.

    If you would like to join VicPOTs send an email to

    If you no longer wish to receive e-mails from VicPOTs, unsubscribe by sending an email to

    User guidelines:

    • Once you are a member of VicPOTs you can post a question or issue by sending an email to
    • Please include VicPOTs in the subject line to help identify that the e-mail is related to VicPOTs.
    • Respond to a message via the mailing list, by replying.  By default your reply will only go to the sender.
    • If you are having problems with the system please email
    • It is expected that VicPOT users will be professional at all times.
    • General queries can be emailed to