Susan Carden - MBBS, FRANZCO, FRACS, PhD - Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne
- Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Children's Hospital
- Consultant Ophthalmolgist Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
- Head, Education and Vision Assessment Clinic, Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
- Interests: Retinopathy of Prematurity, Neonatal Ophthalmology, Childhood and Adult Cataracts, Paediatric and Adult Strabismus, Paediatric and Adult Neuro-ophthalmology, Uveitis, Genetic Eye Disease, International Development
Deborah Colville - MBBS, FRANZCO, FRACS, MPH CERT.ED - Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Children's Hospital
James Elder - MBBS, FRANZCO, FRACS - Director, Department of Ophthalmology 1994 - 2009
- Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne
- Paediatric Ophthalmologist to Royal Women's Hospital
- Chair, Paediatric Special Interest Group, Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
- Interests: Infantile Cataract, Retinoblastoma, Childhood Glaucoma, Uveitis & Oculo-plastics and Retinopathy of Prematurity
Thomas G. Hardy - MBBS, FRANZCO - Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Children's Hospital
- Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Melbourne Hospital
- Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital (Orbital, Plastic and Lacrimal Unit)
- Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Department of Surgery, University of Melbourne
- Interests: Paediatric and Adult Orbital, Oculoplastics and Lacrimal Surgery
Alex Hewitt - MBBS, FRANZCO - Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Children's Hospital
Wendy Marshman - MBBS, MD, FRANZCO, FRACS - Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Children's Hospiatal
- Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
- Interests: Paediatric and Adult Strabismus, Paediatric and Adult Cataract surgery, Uveitis and Retinopathy of Prematurity
Troy Lim Joon - MBBS FRANZCO FRACS - Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Children's Hospital
- Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
Rod O'Day - LLB, BSc, MBBS, FRANZCO - Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Children's Hospital
- Ocular Oncologist and Medical Retinal Specialist
- Interests: Retinoblastoma
Christolyn Raj MMBS (Hons.) MMed MPH FRANZCO - Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Children's Hospital
- Consultant Pediatric Ophthalmologist, Mercy Hospital for Women
- Consultant Ophthalmologist, Western Hospital
- Fellow Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmology
- Fellow American Academy Ophthalmology
- Interests: Pediatric Strabismus, Cataract, Uveitis, Oculo-plastics and Retinopathy of Prematurity
Jonathan B. Ruddle MBBS FRANZCO - Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Children's Hospital 2009 to present
- Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital Glaucoma Clinic
- Senior Associate (Honorary) Dept of Ophthalmology University of Melbourne
- Member Australian and New Zealand Glaucoma Society
- Member International Society for Genetic Eye Disease (ISGEDR)
- Member International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology in Vision (ISCEV)
- Subspecialty Expertise in Paediatric Cataract, Glaucoma and Ocular Genetic Conditions
Shivanand Sheth MBBS,
MS, FICO, FAICO, FRANZCO - Consultant Ophthalmologist and Research Lead Royal Children’s Hospital
- Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
- Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Women's Hospital
- Consultant Ophthalmologist Canberra Hospital and Health
Services, ACT
- Member, International Strabismological Association
- Member, Neuro-ophthalmology Society of Australia (NOSA)
- Member, Australian Society of Ophthalmologists (ASO)
- Member, American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
- Interests: Paediatric Ophthalmology, Adult and
Paediatric Strabismus, Adult and Paediatric Neuro-ophthalmology
Robyn Troutbeck MBBS, FRANZCO - Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Children's Hospital
- Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital