Contact Limb Reconstruction

  • Limb Reconstruction Co-ordinator

    Cheryl Dingey

    +61 3 9345 7027

    Orthopaedic Surgeons

    Associate Professor Leo Donnan

    Mr Chris Harris

    Mr Stewart Morrison

    Mr Mark O'Sullivan

    Can be contacted via the limb reconstruction coordinator -


    Greg Cull 

    Via switchboard on + 61 3 9345 5522

    Limb Reconstruction Fellow

    Via switchboard +61 3 9345 5522, if unavailable, please ask to speak to the Oncall Orthopaedic Registrar. 

    Orthopaedic Ward: Platypus 4th Floor

    +61 3  9345 5432

    Orthopaedic Specialist Clinics (Appointment Queries)

    +61 3  9345 6810