Genetics - what is it

  • Genetics can tell us why illnesses sometimes run in families, how they are passed on from one generation to the next, and what can be done to avoid that. Sometimes people are born with conditions that are not in their family. Genetics can help work out the chance of that happening again if the family decides to have another baby.

    Victorian Clinical Genetics Services works with hospitals and healthcare providers across Victoria and Tasmania to provide genetic services for everyone.

    People who may wish to consult with genetic services include people with a family history of a genetic condition, people planning a pregnancy and other people seeking advice and support.

    Victorian Clinical Genetics Services help people make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing through:

    • diagnosis
    • counselling and support
    • education
    • research.

    Key points to remember

    Victorian Clinical Genetics Services assists individuals and families with:

    • planning a pregnancy
    • screening
    • family history
    • concerns about pregnancy
    • clinical diagnosis
    • laboratory diagnosis
    • counselling and support.

    For more information

    Contact Victorian Clinical Genetics Services -

    Telephone: (03) 8341 6201