Department of General Medicine

Emergency drug dose calculator

  • AGE

    Wt (Kg)


    Read the text below before using this calculator.

    Use the weight closest to the patients if you know it, otherwise select the patient's age.

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    3 months


    6 months


    1 year


    2 years


    4 years


    6 years


    8 years


    10 years


    12 years


    14  years


    17+ years


    This system is designed to be a readily available guide to acceptable physiological variables, endotracheal tube sizes and positions, and to doses of drugs and other therapies. It is not a recipe - it is important that you think carefully if "standard" doses of drugs are appropriate for any individual patient. Do not just blindly follow the doses given here - think first.

    Information presented here comes from several sources, particularly Drug Doses by Frank Shann (10th edition ISBN: ).

    If you know the patient's weight - pick the closest age, otherwise the actual age can be used.

    Doses have been rounded where sensible to do so, and minimum and maximum doses applied to some drugs.

    For minimum systolic blood pressure, and heart and respiratory rate - look at trends as well as absolute numbers.

    Adrenaline dose is given in mls.

    DC shock energy has been rounded to figures commonly found on defibrillators. Use 2J/kg for first shock and 4j/kg subsequently.

    For Morphine, Fentanyl, and Thiopentone, it is important to titrate the dose for its desired effect. Be very cautious of hypotension in sick children and respiratory depression if not ventilated.

    Suxamethonium is based on 3mg/kg for newborn, 2mg/kg child, 1mg/kg adult.

    I've done my best to ensure this information is accurate but it is your responsibility to verify doses etc before using the card. You are welcome to modify it in any way you like but please ensure any changes are not attributed to me.

    I would be pleased to receive feedback and suggestions for improvement.

    Dr Mike South, Royal Children's Hospital, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia.