Requests for information under the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme and the Child Information Sharing Scheme
Professionals seeking information under these information sharing schemes should contact RCH Health Information Services via email:
Professionals who are seeking to proactively share information with the RCH under FVISS or CISS should make contact using the email address. If the matter is urgent contact the RCH Social Work department on 9345 6111, or via switchboard 9345 5522. If there is no Social Worker on shift, ask to speak with the After Hours Hospital Manager.
RCH can securely send the information via one-drive. Other methods of sending medical records include registered post, personal collection by the Child Protection Practitioner or fax.
Child Information Sharing Scheme requests
When requesting information under the Child Information Sharing Scheme the following information needs to be provided via email:
- Your name, job title, contact phone number and organisation
- The information you are requesting and the reasons for seeking it
- Whether the views of the child and/or their relevant family members were sought and obtained in relation to the information that was disclosed (if appropriate, safe and reasonable to do so)
- Whether the child and/or their parent was informed that their information was or would be disclosed
- Copies of any documents relevant to the disclosure of the information (eg. a family violence risk assessment or safety plan as per the MARAM framework)
Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme requests
When requesting information under the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme the following information needs to be provided via email:
- Your name, job title, contact phone number and organisation
- The information you are requesting
- If you are seeking information for assessment or protection purposes
- Whether the person who is the subject of the request is:
- an alleged perpetrator (RAEs only)
- a perpetrator
- an adult victim survivor (no child at risk)
- an adult victim survivor (child at risk)
- a child victim survivor
- a third party (no child at risk)
- a third party (child at risk)
- and their full name, date of birth and address details (if known)
- For a protection purpose, how you determined the person is a perpetrator or victim survivor
- Any risk factors or circumstances indicating the urgency (high, medium, low) of the request to enable prioritisation
- Confirmation of consent obtained from the adult victim survivor or third party (if required), or a statement explaining the reasons why consent was not sought and obtained
Child Protection Requests for Information (ROI)
When requesting information under the Children, Youth and Families Act the following information needs to be provided via email:
- Your name, job title, contact phone number and organisation (DFFH)
- The information you are requesting and the reasons for seeking it
- Child’s name, address and date of birth
- Specific information required- e.g. information regarding child’s admission from 29/3/11-4/5/11 and appointment with Dr. Jones on 9/5/11.
- Purpose of this information request
- Information regarding stage of current CP involvement e.g. intake, investigation, legal intervention and protective concerns
- Signed consent from parents if possible
- Basis of the requester’s power under the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (eg. Delegate of the Secretary; specific authorisation etc)
If the child has been seen by the Victorian Paediatric Medical Service (VFPMS)- contact VFPMS directly on 1300 66 11 42
If the child is a client of the RCH Gatehouse Centre- contact Gatehouse directly on 9345 6391.
Child Protection: Notifying RCH of a Patient's Key Child Protection Contact & Protection Order details
It is recommended that Child Protection (CP) update the RCH via email about patient CP orders and practitioner contact details.
If CP holds parental responsibility and/or there is an CP order in place, please email to :
- A copy of the protective order (if relevant).
- The CP Practitioner’s name, work address and phone number.
- If CP hold parental responsibility.
- If CP should receive correspondence regarding the patient.
- If there is a change in practitioner or a new order.
- It is important RCH is aware of the patient's current address and contact phone number. It is recommended that CP update the RCH via this email address on any patient address and carer changes.
- If there is a carer, email advise on whether they should receive correspondence in relation to the patient, would be most helpful.
Child Protection: Requirements for attendance at the RCH
If Child Protection are planning to attend the RCH in relation to a patient, they should:
- During business hours: contact Social Work and/or the ward Nurse Unit Manager (NUM) to plan for attendance.
- After hours: contact After Hours Social Work via switchboard on 9345 5522 and/or ward Associate Unit Manager (ANUM) to plan for attendance.
- When arriving at the RCH, please present to security (lower ground floor, near the Emergency Department) with your identification.
Information leaflets for health professionals on working with and sharing information with child protection
RCH DFFH Information Sharing
RCH DFFH Reporting to Child Protection
RCH DFFH Working Together
RCH DFFH Consent for Medical Services