Tube feeding

  • Breast and bottle feeding require a baby to have a coordinated action of sucking, swallowing and breathing. This can be hard work for many of the babies on Butterfly. To assist your baby to feed, breast milk or formula may need to be given through a feeding tube. e.g. a nasogastric tube (NGT).

    If your baby needs tube-feeding they may be fed using gravity or a feeding pump. If you are planning to breastfeed your baby, you may like them to receive their tube feeds whilst doing skin-to-skin, breast contact (where they can nuzzle up to the breast), EBM oral care or sucking on a dummy. This can help them to associate the feeling of a full tummy with the smell or taste of breastmilk.

    The length of time a baby may need tube-feeds varies. Tube-feeding provides your baby with the nutrition they need to grow while giving them the time they need to develop and learn the skills required to feed orally (suck feed). Your baby will learn these skills at their own pace. 

    There are many ways that you can help your baby with their feeding routine including giving your baby feeds through the tube. The nurses can help you learn how to do this when you are ready. Take a look at our how to guides and ask your nurse to teach you how to give your baby NGT feeds.

    Tube feed