Recruitment journey

  • The following process outlines the recruitment journey that job applicants generally go through.

    Step 1. submit job application

    The applicant will generally be required to submit an online application form, cover letter and resume in response to the job advertisement.

    Please note, diversity and inclusion questions are asked in the application process, such as disability or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identification. This information is only used for demographic data purposes, or to address any adjustments needed in the recruitment process or workplace.

    Step 2. applications are reviewed and shortlisted for interviews

    Hiring managers shortlist applications against a set of predetermined and consistent criteria. This can include the minimum accreditations, qualifications and years of experience. These can generally be found in the position description and/or the online advertisement.

    Step 3. advise unsuccessful applicants

    Applicants that are not being considered for an interview should be advised that they are unsuccessful through email or alternative preferred communication method as previously advised.

    Step 4. phone screening interviews (optional)

    Occasionally, a phone screening interview stage is added to the recruitment process prior to face-to-face interviews to allow for a second short list before face-to-face interviews occur.

    Note: This does not replace formal phone interviews for overseas candidates.

    Step 5. face-to-face interviews

    Short listed candidates are booked in to attend a formal interview. Generally there are at least 2 interviewers on the panel. Each interview is rated using consistent pre-determined criteria.

    Note: This step is replaced by a formal phone interview for overseas candidates.

    Step 6. reference checks

    After interviews, the successful candidates’ work history needs to be verified through reference checks with previous employers.

    Step 7. verbal offer

    Based on performance and information gained at the application stage, the phone screen (optional), the interview and the reference check the hiring manager decides which candidate will be offered the position/s. A verbal offer is made “subject to” satisfactory employment checks (i.e. criminal history, working with children, work VISA).

    Step 8. contract and employment checks

    The successful applicant will be sent a contract along with the new starter paperwork and pre-employment checks including, Working With Children Check, criminal history police check and vaccinations status. If all checks are clear then the applicant can be confirmed as successful.

    Step 9. advising unsuccessful interviewees

    Unsuccessful interviewee applications who attended an interview should be advised of the outcome personally and offered the opportunity for receiving feedback.

    Step 10. closing the job

    Once the successful applicant has had their contract and employment checks confirmed by the RCH, and all unsuccessful candidates have been communicated to, then the recruitment process is complete.