Vitamin B12

Test Name
Vitamin B12
Test Code
Specimen Type

Serum - Gel

Minimum Volume
1 mL

Whenever vitamin B12 is requested an Active-B12 (Holotranscobalamin) is performed. Measurement of the active (biologically available) form of vitamin B12 is the earliest known marker for identifying changes in vitamin B12 status. If a total serum vitamin B12 measurement is required see link below.

LAB NOTES Lithium Heparin CANNOT be used for testing

Assay Performed
Complex Biochemistry
9345 4200
Laboratory Hours: 0830 - 1700 Monday to Friday, (excluding Pub Hol)
After Hours: Week end / Pub Hol - Scientist on call 0800 to 2000hr
Assay Frequency

As required

See Also
Total Serum Vitamin B12
Acetylcholine Receptor Abs