Oxalate, Urine - Timed

Test Name
Oxalate, Urine - Timed
Test Code
SAUOXA AND UTIME (then select UCR)
Specimen Type

Urine Timed: Collect in a container PRE-ACIDIFIED with Amidosulfuric acid powder. Obtain from Core Lab with a collection kit (funnel and container). See SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS BELOW


SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Pre-acidified container with Amidosulfuric Acid powder to be prepared just prior to issue by Core Laboratory. Caution: Acid is corrosive. Ensure patient / carer understands risk associated with acid - use interpreter services if required.

Lab NotesContainer Preparation: The amount of amidosulfuric acid powder to be added to the container depends on the age of the patient. See SR-P-007

RWH Adult (>14 years): 10g in 4L container.

RCH: > 5 years of age (<14 years): 5g in 2L container;   < 5 years of age, 3g in 2L container.   

Attach all age and caution labels to the container. Pre-weighed vials stored in corrosives cabinet.

Post Collection:

-Check pH and adjust with 6M HCl for final pH <3

-Take an extra urine aliquot for RCH/RWH Core lab Biochemistry to perform creatinine

Assay Performed
Biochemistry Dept via Central Specimen Reception
Royal Melbourne Hospital
2nd Floor Main Block Grattan St
Parkville 3050
9342 7360
Assay Frequency

As requested