HLA Tissue Typing

See Also

For Bone Marrow / stem cell and organ transplant refer to; 
* HLA Tissue Typing (initial) or 
* HLA Tissue Typing (confirmatory)          


For initial testing of patients who appear refractory to platelet transfusions refer to;
* HLA Tissue Typing Class I – Platelet Refractory Patient


For disease association / adverse drug reaction HLA typing refer to the specific individual tests:
* HLA Tissue Typing – HLA-A 31:01 HLA-B 15:02 (Carbamazepine (Tegretol), Lamotrigine, Phenytoin hypersensitivity)
* HLA Tissue Typing – HLA-B 27
* HLA Tissue Typing – HLA-B 51 (Behcet’s disease)
* HLA Tissue Typing – HLA-B 57:01 (Abacavir hypersensitivity)
* HLA Tissue Typing – HLA-B 58:01 (Allopurinol hypersensitivity)
* HLA Tissue Typing - HLA-DQ (Coeliac Genetic Susceptibility)
* HLA Tissue Typing – HLA-DQB1 06:02 (Narcolepsy Susceptibility)

If disease association / adverse drug reaction is not listed then refer to;
* HLA Tissue Typing - disease association_ adverse drug reaction susceptibility (miscellaneous)