Research resources

  • This page is intended as a clearing house for refugee health research in Australia. Information available in the published peer reviewed literature has been compiled, and links to the relevant PubMed or ERIC abstract are shown. Relevant papers identified are presented by:

    Individual papers may be included in more than one topic area. These pages are updated systematically in May each year with the assistance of our research librarian, and also reviewed regularly, other information/literature can be added - please contact us if you would like to contribute, or highlight work in refugee health that we have missed. 

    Immigrant health resources. Authors: Anthea Rhodes, Vanessa Clifford, Daniel Engelman, Shidan Tosif, Karen Kiang, Sophie Oldfield, Tom Volkman, Ingrid Laemmle Ruff, Linny Phuong, Eva Sudbury, Georgie Paxton. 

    Updated Sep 2022, contact