Victorian Infant Hearing Screening Program

Service links

  • Paediatric Audiology Centres - Victoria

    Hearing Australia - An Australian Government agency providing information and hearing services for children and young people up to the age of 26, as well as eligible adults.

    Aurora School - Early Learning Centre and Early Intervention for Deaf and Deafblind Children and their families.

    Aussie Deaf Kids - A not for profit organisation providing information for families of children with a deaf child.

    Deaf Children Australia - Provides information, advocacy, support services and educational resources that responds to the needs of these children and their families.

    Next Sense - Early Support Program and Early Intervention Services that provide inclusive oral language programs for children with hearing loss and their families.

    The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital Specialising in Ear, Nose and Throat surgery, the Eye and Ear Hospital undertakes almost all of Victoria's public cochlear implant surgery.