Okee in Medical Imaging

Visiting Fluoroscopy

  • How long does it take?

    Having your pictures taken in Fluoroscopy can take between 10 to 45 minutes – depending on what type of pictures they are. Sometimes you will need to wait a few hours between your pictures too.

    Who will I meet?

    In Fluoroscopy you will meet a nurse, who will look after you while you have your pictures. They'll let you know everything that you need to do and can answer any questions you might have!

    Other people you might meet are: a radiographer – they sit behind a screen to take your pictures, a play therapist and a radiologist – that's the doctor that looks at your pictures.

    What will I see?

    The fluoroscopy camera

    The fluoroscopy camera is pretty big, but it needs to be so it can take pictures of your whole body!

    Fluroscopy close up of stickers

    The camera is covered in stickers, and comes close to you, but it won't touch you. You can add a sticker before you have your picture taken!

    Fluroscopy close up

    The fluoroscopy bed

    There's also a bed to lie on. You might need to roll over while you have your pictures, taken but the nurse will help you do this.

    Fluroscopy bed

    The fluoroscopy leads

    All the people in the fluoroscopy room with you will wear a special outfit – this stops the camera from taking their picture too.

    Fluroscopy leads

    What else should I know?

    Contrasts and tracers

    Most pictures in Fluoroscopy need something called 'barium' or 'contrast'. These are special liquids that can be seen in your pictures.

    Learn more

    How you can help

    Keeping still

    It's really important to keep still while having your picture taken. The nurse will help you roll over and stay still for the different pictures. It's still okay to breathe normally, blink and stay relaxed.

    What to bring

    There can be a lot of waiting around, so it's a good idea to bring some things to keep you busy – an iPad, books, or other activities that don't need too much space. If you have a favourite stuffed toy, they can come with you - and have their picture taken too!

    What to wear

    The best clothes to wear are comfy ones! It's important to wear clothes that don't have prints, sequins, glitter or metal on them, as they can get in the way of the pictures. You might be asked to change into a hospital gown too.

    How parents can help

    Asking questions

    Before your appointment, check the requirements of your child's scan on their appointment letter. If there is anything you are unsure of or don't understand, please contact Medical Imaging reception on 03 9345 5255.

    Play Therapy

    If you have concerns about your child's ability to undergo imaging, you may request the services of an educational play therapist. Play therapists are trained to assess and prepare children for imaging and can also provide distraction during your child's scan. Note that appointments book up quickly, so please request this service in advance, as the play therapist may not be available on the day. Please contact Medical Imaging reception on 03 9345 5255.

    Preparing your child

    It is important to be honest but considerate of your child's developmental level. It is a good idea to explain to your child why they need the scan. Children over the age of 5 generally cope best when they are informed of their procedure the week prior, and are given the opportunity to process the information and ask questions. Children under 5 are best told about their appointment the day before. You are encouraged to explore the Okee app games and to discuss the content with your child before their appointment.

    What else should I know?

    Contrasts and tracers

    Most fluoroscopy scans will require contrast. This may be swallowed or alternatively introduced to the area being imaged.

    Learn more