Advanced practice nurses

  • ‘Advanced practice nursing' (APN) is the term used to define a cohort of nurses working in specialised and advanced roles within the healthcare system. Here at the RCH our Advanced Practice Nursing Group includes:

    • Nurse Practitioner
    • Clinical Nurse Consultant
    • Nurse Coordinator

    Currently there are more than 200 APN’s across various specialties and services, who provide coordination, advisory and leadership in clinical practice.

    Current APN 

    APN Meetings 

     Quarterly meetings are coordinated and run by APN's to support their connectedness and facilitate the sharing of ideas and knowledge. This forum provides an opportunity for APN's  to discuss individual, local, organisational and community initiatives, ideas and improvements.

    APN Meeting Terms of Reference


    Information and guidance for new APNs can be found in the APN orientation manual.

    Clinical Supervision

    Clinical supervision for APNs is defined as a formal process of professional support and learning between two or more practitioners within a safe and supportive environment, that enables a continuum of reflective critical analysis of care, to ensure quality patient services and the well being of the practitioner.

    RCH supports group clinical supervision for APNs and it is an expectation that APNs prioritise their time to actively participate in the clinical supervision program.

    APNs participating in clinical supervision have reported:

    • reduced stress 
    • less isolation/ more connectedness
    • able to address issues with actions
    • safe space to talk
    • critically reflection on individual practice
    • improved understanding of local and organisational processes

      It is building a network of support for all of us. There were times when I wanted to ring the supervision group and say “Emergency Meeting. I need you all”. (focus group participant)

      It became high challenge. I walked away with tools. I didn’t just walk in, off load and then go “Oh, I’ve said all that now, I feel bad for saying it”. You went going “OK, I’ve really got to think about what my responsibility is. What can I do about it? What will I do about it? I’ve got to report back so I’ve got to follow through” (focus group participant)

      I would walk into clinical supervision very determined that “this is what happened” and “this is how I viewed it”. I learnt there are different ways of viewing it. I hadn’t realised I was defiant in going a certain pathway. This was self-discovery. I realised I’d become quite cynical from experiences both personal and witnessed, that had created distrust in the processes around me. Clinical supervision has been a wonderful experience. I often didn’t feel like I had
        time to go but once I got in the room we shut everything out. (focus group participant)

    For further information about Peer supervision for APNs please contact or