
  • Our services are mainly for young people aged 0-15 years and their families who live in the Western and Northwestern metropolitan regions of Melbourne. See our map on this page . We generally see infants, children and adolescents with the most severe and complex mental illnesses. There are a range of other places you can access for mild to moderate difficulties and illnesses. See our community resources sections for children, adolescents and parents and carers more details. We also have a range of statewide services that young people up to the age of 18 may be able to use too. It is best to check with our Intake (Triage) Team to be sure. A general rule is if you need our help:

    • our hospital-based services (at the Emergency Department; on a ward; or as regular psychology outpatient where you may or may not have another medical condition) are available to you if you live anywhere in Victoria, Tasmania or southern New South Wales
    • our outpatient services are generally available to you if you live in our metropolitan areas listed above.

    Here is a link from the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services that should tell you if you live in a suburb we generally provide community-based outpatient services to.

    Our services are generally free of charge or Medicare bulk-billed. A few psychology clinics may charge a gap fee for their work; and if your child/adolescent is an inpatient, you may be asked about the option of using your private health insurance at no cost to you.

    If you are unsure about whether your child would benefit from mental health care or our service, you may wish to talk to someone about whether a referral is appropriate. Please see details of how to contact us. Self referrals (by the young person or their parent or carer) can be made, although generally it is good to have seen your local doctor (a GP), specialist doctor (e.g. Paediatrician) or other health care worker or School Welfare Coordinator.