MET - Medical Emergency Team

  • MET is a team of specialised doctors and nurses which responds immediately to a call for urgent medical help.  As a parent, you can make a MET call at any time of the day or night if you are worried about a sudden change in your child’s condition.  Where possible, try to raise your concerns with the ward staff first.  However, you know your child best so trust your instincts – if you sense something is wrong, do not hesitate to make a MET call.

    How to make a MET call

    Ask a staff member to make a MET call by speaking to them directly, pressing the nurse call button or the emergency bell at the end of your child’s bed, OR
    Dial 22 22 from any hospital telephone.  Ask the operator to make a MET call and tell them where you are, for example your child’s ward and room number.
    Please talk to any of the staff caring for your child if you would like further clarification about when and how to make a MET call.